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신약성경과 헬라어 관련 유익한 자료들입니다
Greek for life book by Robert Plummer, Daily dose of Greek
Greek for Life: Strategies for Learning, Retaining, and Reviving New Testament Greek

Learning Greek is one thing. Retaining it and using it in preaching, teaching, and ministry is another. In this volume, two master teachers with nearly forty years of combined teaching experience inspire readers to learn, retain, and use Greek for ministry, setting them on a lifelong journey of reading and loving the Greek New Testament. Buy on Amazon.

Beginning with New Testament Greek

From their decades of combined teaching experience, Benjamin L. Merkle and Robert L. Plummer have produced an ideal resource for novice Greek students to not only learn the language but also kindle a passion for reading the Greek New Testament. Designed for those new to Greek, Beginning with New Testament Greek is a user-friendly textbook for elementary Greek courses at the college or seminary level. Buy on Amazon.

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